Cryptocurrency Analytics


Tezos XTZ Logo

Last modified on 11. October 2020

Quick Facts

Tezos is one of the largest cryptocurrencies. On 1 October 2020, it had a market capitalization of over US$ 1.6 billion, meaning it had captured about 0.474 percent of the digital currency market.1|2 It has the ticker symbol XTZ.

In November 2017, the logging of real-time trading data for Tezos began on

Quarterly Averages

This section presents the quarterly averages (trimester) for trading volume, market capitalization and trading price for 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.

Trading Volume & Market Capitalization

For example, the average trading volume of Tezos during the first trimester of 2019 was over US$ 3.4 m per day. Over the same period in 2018, this figure came to over US$ 1.3 m. The trading volume increased by 160 percent accordingly.

The average market capitalization during the first trimester of 2019 equated to nearly US$ 295 m.

Trading Price

The average trading price in the first trimester of 2019 equated to nearly US$ 0.49. This figure came to just above US$ 4.25 during the same period of 2018. The corresponding price drop down equated to 88.5 percent.

The all-time high of Tezos in 2017

Tezos XTZ Price analysis generated by
Price analysis for the most important moments in Tezos’s trading history (XTZ)

The Tezos currency climbed to a peak in December 2017 at just under US$ 12.2. Tezos was an outlier here.

March 2019: an interesting date following the big cryptocurrency crash

On 1 March 2019, the price of Tezos stood at nearly US$ 0.42 with a market capitalization of over US$ 250 million. Compared with the highest trading price described above, this represents a decline down to approximately 3.4 percent.

Bitcoin dropped down to approximately 19.5 and Ethereum to about 9.7 percent of their all-time-high trading prices around that time.

More Details

The Tezos-Coin is not created via mining. It has no maximum number of coins, unlike TRON, for example. If you are interested in the source code, be sure to also visit the GitHub page.

Block height and other recent statistics around current Tezos transactions can be traced through this block explorer.

To learn more about Tezos, download the white paper or find more links to community forums, source code and social media channels, visit


Tezos XTZ Market analysis generated by
Markets on which Tezos (XTZ) can be traded


Two large markets for buying or selling Tezos in EUR are Kraken and Coinbase Pro. There are additional platforms where you can buy or sell Tezos, including Bitvavo, CEX.IO and CoinMetro.


Four large markets for buying or selling Tezos in USD are Kraken, Coinbase Pro, Binance and Bitfinex. Additional trading platforms for buying or selling Tezos in USD are OKEx, HitBTC and BKEX, among others.


Three large markets for buying or selling Tezos in BTC are Coinbase Pro, Binance and Bitfinex. There are additional platforms where you can buy or sell Tezos, including OKEx, HitBTC and BitForex, among others.

Social Links

Take a look at the following social media channels to speak directly to the Tezos team:

1. This figure changes to 1.1 percent when taking Bitcoin out of the equation.

2. Read about our sources

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